Rage, Wow! Was that a Great Opening Weekend Or What? The Ice Station was bursting with Excitement, and it all comes from our great Players and Families.
Practice was fast paced and a good intro to our season. Our coaches and players were excited to get back on the ice and it was evident from the 7am start with our Mites through our 730pm start with our U18s.
Coach Braelen and Coach P from Braelen's Speed Shop were fantastic for our Off Ice. They will bring a different approach to building our players, but we have know doubt they will make a huge impact.
We would like to thank Slice of Brooklyn Pizza Cafe in Simpsonville, SC for all of the fantastic pizza. The owners were gracious and excited to provide for all of us.
The Groovy Dawg was a hit! What a great variety of gourmet dogs she provided, and she is ready to come back. She made note that everyone was so nice and respectful. We may have even gotten two new Mites out of having her there.
The Rage Bus! Really that is all I need to Say! If that does not get you excited then check your pulse and make sure its still 60 beats a min.
Every weekend will be a building block on the foundation set.